Deborah Hopkinson

Award Winning Author of Fiction & Nonfiction for Children & Teens

Picture Books

Click on any cov­er to dis­cov­er more about the book.

In alpha­bet­i­cal order

Abe Lincoln Crosses a Creek
Abe Lin­coln Cross­es a Creek
Apples to Oregon
Apples to Oregon
A Band of Angels
A Band of Angels
A Boy Called Dickens
A Boy Called Dickens
Carter Reads the Newspaper
Carter Reads the Newspaper
Cinderella and a Mouse Called Fred
Cin­derel­la and a Mouse Called Fred
Knit Your Bit
Knit Your Bit
A Letter to My Teacher
A Let­ter to My Teacher
Mindful Day
Mind­ful Day
On a Summer Night
On a Sum­mer Night
Sky Boys
Sky Boys
Small Places Close to Home A Child's Declaration of Rights
Small Places Close to Home
The Story of a Story
The Sto­ry of a Story
Under the Bodhi Tree
Under the Bod­hi Tree