Deborah Hopkinson

Award Winning Author of Fiction & Nonfiction for Children & Teens

Critique Services

I’m not an edi­tor, and can’t promise that my feed­back will help you get your work pub­lished. But I do work with some of the best in the busi­ness! I love help­ing oth­er writ­ers, both pub­lished and not yet published.

My port­fo­lio includes near­ly 70 pic­ture books, mid­dle grade fic­tion, long form non­fic­tion, and mag­a­zine sto­ries, and my first ready-to-read series is forth­com­ing. I also had a long and suc­cess­ful career in grant-writ­ing for major uni­ver­si­ties and col­leges, and am famil­iar with effec­tive pro­pos­al writ­ing. I’m grate­ful for my suc­cess, but like all writ­ers, I know a lot about rejec­tion, revi­sion, and perseverance.

I’ve par­tic­i­pat­ed in sev­er­al Great Cri­tique events for SCBWI in Ore­gon, taught at a week­long work­shop on the Ore­gon coast, and have twice taught mid­dle grade non­fic­tion at the High­lights Foun­da­tion, once with the incred­i­ble Pamela S. Turn­er. I’m pleased that some of the writ­ers I’ve had the plea­sure of work­ing with have gone on to sell projects.

Here’s what I offer:

Basic Cri­tique — $165.00.  This cov­ers pic­ture books with back mat­ter, and pro­pos­als and up to 30 25 sam­ple pages for mid­dle grade fic­tion or non­fic­tion projects. My cri­tiques usu­al­ly include track changes and a sum­ma­ry email with marketing/general obser­va­tions and career advice. This cri­tique also includes my time to look at one revi­sion. I respond to cri­tiques with­in 3–5 days.

Zoom Call Add-On — $50.00.  Zoom chats of up to 40 min­utes are avail­able to dis­cuss ques­tions or issues with your project, gen­er­al ques­tions you may have, or career next steps.

Con­tact me.

Deborah Hopkinson
Deb­o­rah Hopkinson