Deborah Hopkinson

Award Winning Author of Fiction & Nonfiction for Children & Teens


Click on any cov­er to dis­cov­er more about the book.

In alpha­bet­i­cal order

Deadliest Diseases Then and Now
Dead­liest Dis­eases Then and Now
Deadliest Fires Then and Now
Dead­liest Fires Then and Now
Deadliest Hurricanes Then and Now
Dead­liest Hur­ri­canes Then and Now
Evi­dence! How Dr. John Snow Solved the Mys­tery of Cholera
Shutting Out the Sky
Shut­ting Out the Sky: Life in the Ten­e­ments of New York, 1880–1924
Titanic Voices from the Disaster
Titan­ic Voic­es from the Disaster