Deborah Hopkinson

Award Winning Author of Fiction & Nonfiction for Children & Teens

Mindful Day

Mindful Day

What is this book about?

A bird fluffs his feath­ers and greets the day with a song. You taste the bright pop of a berry on your tongue, sweet as sum­mer. Rain­drops pat­ter down on your hands and face.

When we slow down and pay close atten­tion, we learn what it means to be mind­ful. And when we expe­ri­ence our day with that kind of spe­cial atten­tion, the world becomes a won­der­ful and mag­i­cal place.

In Mind­ful Day, a young girl expe­ri­ences mind­ful­ness as she goes about the day with her fam­i­ly. Through Hopkinson’s lyri­cal nar­ra­tive and Ng-Benitez’s delight­ful illus­tra­tions, you will explore feel­ings of grat­i­tude and love, learn how breath­ing can calm our bod­ies, and dis­cov­er how remark­able every moment can be when we expe­ri­ence it as ful­ly as possible.

Mind­ful Day embraces the joy of liv­ing in the moment and gives chil­dren their first intro­duc­tion to the life-chang­ing skill of mindfulness.

illustration from Mindful Day
illus­tra­tion from Mind­ful Day, illus­tra­tion © Shirley Ng-Ben­itez.
Book writ­ten by Deb­o­rah Hop­kin­son, pub­lished by Sounds True, 2020.


“Rather than instruct­ing mind­ful­ness to read­ers…[Mind­ful Day] exem­pli­fies how a day may be expe­ri­enced when mind­ful­ness is organ­i­cal­ly embed­ded with­in it.” (Kirkus Reviews)

Mindful Day

author, Deb­o­rah Hop­kin­son
illus­tra­tor, Shirley Ng-Ben­itez
Sounds True
ages 4 to 8, 2020
ISBN 978–1683642794

buy the book