Deborah Hopkinson

Award Winning Author of Fiction & Nonfiction for Children & Teens


How Dr. John Snow Solved the Mystery of Cholera


What is this book about?

The incred­i­ble true sto­ry of the doc­tor who traced Lon­don’s cholera out­break to a sin­gle water pump, and went on to save count­less lives through his ground­break­ing research!

Dr. John Snow is one of the most influ­en­tial doc­tors and researchers in West­ern med­i­cine, but before he rose to fame, he was just a sim­ple com­mu­ni­ty doc­tor who want­ed to solve a mystery.

In 19th cen­tu­ry Lon­don, the spread of cholera was as unstop­pable as it was dead­ly. Dr. Snow was deter­mined to stop it, but he had a prob­lem: His best the­o­ry of how the dis­ease was spread flew in the face of pop­u­lar opin­ion. He need­ed evi­dence, and he need­ed to find it fast, before more lives were lost.

Tak­ing on the role of detec­tive as well as doc­tor, Dr. Snow knocked on doors, asked ques­tions and mapped out the data he’d col­lect­ed. What he dis­cov­ered would come to define the way we think about pub­lic health to this day.

This com­pelling non­fic­tion pic­ture book is a time­ly reminder of the pow­er of sci­ence to save lives.

Awards and Recognition

  • Junior Library Guild Gold Stan­dard Selection


“… enthralling 1854-set work focused on epi­demi­ol­o­gy, smart­ly pitched for younger audi­ences as an intrigu­ing med­ical mys­tery.” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly, starred review)

“Read­ers wait anx­ious­ly along­side crew mem­bers amid silence and dan­ger­ous heat and oxy­gen lev­els as the sub­mariners nar­row­ly escape ene­my detec­tion or brace for depth charge explo­sions that rat­tle bones, fray nerves, and sig­nal pos­si­ble death … With a fas­ci­nat­ing blend of sub­ma­rine mechan­ics and tales of courage, read­ers will dive in deep.” (Book­list, starred review)


author, Deb­o­rah Hop­kin­son
illus­tra­tor, Nik Hen­der­son
Knopf Books for Young Read­ers
ages 4 and up, August 13, 2024
ISBN 978–0593426821

Junior Library Guild Gold Standard
buy the book