Critique Services
I’m not an editor, and can’t promise that my feedback will help you get your work published. But I do work with some of the best in the business! I love helping other writers, both published and not yet published.
My portfolio includes nearly 70 picture books, middle grade fiction, long form nonfiction, and magazine stories, and my first ready-to-read series is forthcoming. I also had a long and successful career in grant-writing for major universities and colleges, and am familiar with effective proposal writing. I’m grateful for my success, but like all writers, I know a lot about rejection, revision, and perseverance.
I’ve participated in several Great Critique events for SCBWI in Oregon, taught at a weeklong workshop on the Oregon coast, and have twice taught middle grade nonfiction at the Highlights Foundation, once with the incredible Pamela S. Turner. I’m pleased that some of the writers I’ve had the pleasure of working with have gone on to sell projects.
Here’s what I offer:
Basic Critique — $165.00. This covers picture books with back matter, and proposals and up to 30 25 sample pages for middle grade fiction or nonfiction projects. My critiques usually include track changes and a summary email with marketing/general observations and career advice. This critique also includes my time to look at one revision. I respond to critiques within 3–5 days.
Zoom Call Add-On — $50.00. Zoom chats of up to 40 minutes are available to discuss questions or issues with your project, general questions you may have, or career next steps.