Deborah Hopkinson

Award Winning Author of Fiction & Nonfiction for Children & Teens

Only One

Only One

What is this book about?

This lyri­cal, envi­ron­men­tal­ly focused pic­ture book show­cas­es the unique beau­ty of our one and only universe–its galax­ies, stars, and planets–as well as our one and only Earth and the pre­cious life it contains.

Join one girl as she leads her friends to a tree-plant­i­ng cer­e­mo­ny. Along the way, she explains in sim­ple lan­guage the val­ue of the uni­verse and Plan­et Earth. Read­ers will see the Big Bang, the Milky Way, all the plan­ets in the solar sys­tem, as well as Earth­’s atmos­phere, and the life with­in it: its oceans, trees, bugs, and sev­en bil­lion human beings. Final­ly, the girl and her friends plant a tree–doing one small thing to help their one spe­cial plan­et.

Both infor­ma­tive and inspir­ing, here is a beau­ti­ful­ly writ­ten and gor­geous­ly illus­trat­ed sci­ence pic­ture book about our uni­verse that will encour­age young read­ers and lis­ten­ers to pro­tect and pre­serve the environment.


“This book is impor­tant to add to all col­lec­tions because of its com­pre­hen­sive look at the uni­verse and mes­sage about the impor­tance of pro­tect­ing the plan­et.” (School Library Jour­nal)

“[T]he book’s tour guide vibe suc­cess­ful­ly imparts a host of infor­ma­tion while cen­ter­ing themes about con­ser­va­tion on a sin­gle plan­et: “One. Only one.” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly)

Only One

author, Deb­o­rah Hop­kin­son
illus­tra­tor, Chuck Groenink
Anne Schwartz Books
Pen­guin Ran­dom House
ages 4 and up, 2022
ISBN 978–0399557033

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