Hear My Sorrow
The Diary of Angela Denoto, A Shirtwaist Worker, New York City, 1909

What is this book about?
Fourteen-year-old Angela Denoto and her family have arrived in New York City from their village in Italy to find themselves settled in a small tenement apartment on the Lower East Side. When her father is no longer able to work as a hod carrier, Angela must leave school and find a job in a shirtwaist factory. Despite being disappointed that she had to give up her education, Angela is proud that she is able to help her family. But soon she begins to wonder about the steep price of the American dream, given the dangerous conditions at the factory.
Set against the birth of the labor union movement in the early 1900s, Angela finds herself caught up in the drama and turmoil that erupts as the workers begin to strike, protesting the terrible conditions in the sweatshops.
In the pages of her diary, Angela records the horrors of the Triangle Factory fire, along with the triumphs and sorrows of the labor movement.
- The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire The Kheel Center at Cornell University has the best Internet website on the disaster on March 25, 1911.
- NPR Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
- Triangle Factory Fire Archival Photos
- ILGWU Strike of 1909
- Remember the Triangle Factory Fire

author, Deborah Hopkinson
ages 9 and up, 2004
ISBN 978–0439221610